
Zaramé-Cobaco Prints & Miniatures

踊り子柄メガネ拭き(10cm × 10cm)/Aztec Dancer Lens Cleaner(4in × 4in)
Haruko creates so colorful and delicate paper crafts, and we love that. And we’ve just printed her original paper craft on the lens cleaner cloth.
It’s small and has great cost value, so people often buy it in bulk.
Gold leaves of papers in the background art are so beautiful. And it fits with the vivid and brilliant colors & shapes of miniature paper box art on the front. The cheerful vitamin colors and her Dancer gives us some positive vibes.
The cloth has a velvet like smoothness. You can use it for your glasses or mobile phone cleaning as well.
Other customers told us that they are using for ring cleaner or guitar cleaner, too.

いいね または フォローしてね!


この記事を書いた人/ Who am I ?

Haruko NAPOCHKA / なぽちか はるこのアバター Haruko NAPOCHKA / なぽちか はるこ Stop-motion Animation& Paper Craft Artist /コマ撮りアニメーション・ミニチュア切り絵作家

ハンガリーのアニメスタジオでストップモーション(コマ撮り)を制作しています。2023年夏から「ミニチュア切り絵作家」としてオリジナル作品の販売をはじめました。イラストを描くのも、紙で人形を作るのもどちらも大好きです。生き物(もふもふ・ぷにぷに)も大好きで、現在「もふ獣 and ぷに虫」というテーマでオリジナルミニチュア切り絵、綿100%ぬいぐるみ、美濃焼マグカップも鋭意、製作中です。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。/My name is Haruko Napochka, belongs to one of the famous Hungarian Animation Studios. Mainly create stop-motion films. But since last summer of 2023, I've just started selling my original handmade miniature boxes and some prints, too. By the way, I love animals & insects! Now, I am creating my new original characterized items such as "fluffy cats, lorises, silky anteaters, etc." & "soft butterflies, larvas etc." new miniature paper puppets, 100 % Japanese cotton & Made in Japan "Mino-Ware" mugs. Hope you'll like them, too.
